author: @Demian



We want Prove that : f(a, b, c) = if a == b {c} else {a - b}

证明某人知道三个数字 a、b 和 c,使得当 a == b 时,输出为 c,否则输出为 a - b,而无需揭示a、b 和 c 的实际值。

how to describe it ? Firstly, let’s dive into the Iszero Chip



$ tree
├── fibonacci
│   └──

Iszero Chip


fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct IsZeroConfig<F> {
    pub value_inv: Column<Advice>,
    pub is_zero_expr: Expression<F>,

impl<F: FieldExt> IsZeroConfig<F> {
    pub fn expr(&self) -> Expression<F> {

pub struct IsZeroChip<F: FieldExt> {
    config: IsZeroConfig<F>,

impl IsZeroChip { ..



  • q_enable, value 都接收一个闭包,将执行的时机和执行的具体内容进行解耦。也就是说,configure 方法可以决定何时执行 value,而调用者可以决定执行 value 时应该做什么
  • 闭包可以捕获其环境,这意味着每次传入不同的闭包,configure 函数的行为都可能不同。这为函数调用者提供了更大的灵活性。

注意 AssignedCellVirtualCells 的区别(读下 Source code)

fn main() {
impl<F: FieldExt> IsZeroChip<F> {
    pub fn construct(config: IsZeroConfig<F>) -> Self {
        IsZeroChip { config }

    pub fn configure(
        meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>,
        q_enable: impl FnOnce(&mut VirtualCells<'_, F>) -> Expression<F>,
        value: impl FnOnce(&mut VirtualCells<'_, F>) -> Expression<F>,
        value_inv: Column<Advice>,
    ) -> IsZeroConfig<F> {
        let mut is_zero_expr = Expression::Constant(F::zero());

        meta.create_gate("is_zero", |meta| {
            // valid | val |  val_inv |  1 - val * val_inv | val * (1 - val * val_inv)
            // ------+-----+----------+--------------------+-------------------
            //  yes  |  x  |    1/x   |        0           |   0
            //  no   |  x  |    0     |        1           |   x
            //  yes  |  0  |    0     |        1           |   0
            //  yes  |  0  |    y     |        1           |   0

            let value = value(meta);
            let q_enable = q_enable(meta);
            let value_inv = meta.query_advice(value_inv, Rotation::cur());

            is_zero_expr = Expression::Constant(F::one()) - value.clone() * value_inv;
            vec![q_enable * value * is_zero_expr.clone()]  // gate's constraints

        IsZeroConfig {

configure defines the logic for the “is-zero” gate. It uses the following table to guide the logic:

valid | val |  val_inv |  1 - val * val_inv | val * (1 - val * val_inv)
 yes  |  x  |    1/x   |        0           |   0                      
 no   |  x  |    0     |        1           |   x                      
 yes  |  0  |    0     |        1           |   0                      
 yes  |  0  |    y     |        1           |   0                      

1 / 3 / 4 行涉及到的约束不需要通过 q_enable 即可完成, 但是考虑第二行所涉及到的情况 :

  • 如果 是个 malicious Prover, 他提供了 val == xval_inv == 0 , 此时仅靠 is_zero_expr 是无法分辨的 (这个 case 里 assign 函数会直接分配 self.config.value_inv i.e. 即认为这个值是
  • 但是添加了 vec![q_enable * value * is_zero_expr.clone()] 约束就不一样了 , 约束强制要求 val * is_zero_expr i.e. val * ( 1 - val * val_inv) 必须为 0 , 从而解决了这种 malicious situation
  • 如果 malicious 提供了这种 Witness, 将不会通过约束校验, 也就不会生成该 proof
  • 只有 提供了符合约束的 Witness, val_inv 才会被赋值给 val_inv column

The gate ensures that for valid rows:

  • If the , its inverse is computed such that their multiplication (val * val_inv) ’s results in 1.
  • If the , its inverse can be any value, but the result of their multiplication should be 0.

The gate equation is q_enable * value * (1 - value * value_inv), which should be satisfied for the valid conditions.

  • assign(): This method is used to assign the inverse of a value (if it exists) or zero to the specified advice column in the circuit.
fn main() {
is_zero_expr = Expression::Constant(F::one()) - value.clone() * value_inv;
  • i.e. 1 - val * val_inv , like the table above :
    • if val != 0 : is_zero_expr = 0
    • if val == 0 : is_zero_expr = 1

vec![q_enable * value * is_zero_expr.clone()] is the gate’s constraint. it should be

fn main() {
pub fn assign(
	region: &mut Region<'_, F>,
	offset: usize,
	value: Value<F>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
	// value.invert()  OR  F::zero()
	let value_inv =|value| value.invert().unwrap_or(F::zero()));
	region.assign_advice(|| "value inv", self.config.value_inv, offset, || value_inv)?;

IsZero 的验证过程中,将要验证的值(或输入值)分配到电路区域中,以便在电路中进行计算和约束的验证 :

  1. 如果要验证的值为零,assign 方法将为逆元分配一个特定的值(例如 F::zero()
  2. 如果要验证的值不为零,value_inv columns 将被分配为 value.invert().unwrap_or(F::zero()) i.e. value.invert()

这些 IsZero 的 check 将被赋值到 value_inv column 并在其上得到体现

Example 3

welcome back, now we have the gadget IsZero , so we can constrain malicious ’s input

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct FunctionConfig<F: FieldExt> {
    selector: Selector,
    a: Column<Advice>,
    b: Column<Advice>,
    c: Column<Advice>,
    a_equals_b: IsZeroConfig<F>,
    output: Column<Advice>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct FunctionChip<F: FieldExt> {
    config: FunctionConfig<F>,


Recap : f(a, b, c) = if a == b {c} else {a - b}

  1. column : 除了常规的 a/b/c advice column, 还申请了 is_zero_advice_column
  2. IsZeroChip : use crate::is_zero::{IsZeroChip, IsZeroConfig}; 使用了上面定义的 IsZero chip 来校验 这个事情 (因为 a/b 都是 提供的, 一个 malicious 有动机去提供 a=3 , b=4 然后 return c , 必须通过生成 proof 前的约束来限制 的行为)
  3. IsZeroChip::configure 返回 IsZeroConfig<F>
fn main() {
impl<F: FieldExt> FunctionChip<F> {
    pub fn construct(config: FunctionConfig<F>) -> Self { Self { config } }

    pub fn configure(meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<F>) -> FunctionConfig<F> {
        let selector = meta.selector();
        let a = meta.advice_column();
        let b = meta.advice_column();
        let c = meta.advice_column();
        let output = meta.advice_column();

        let is_zero_advice_column = meta.advice_column();
        let a_equals_b = IsZeroChip::configure(
            |meta| meta.query_selector(selector),
            |meta| meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur()) - meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur()),

        meta.create_gate("f(a, b, c) = if a == b {c} else {a - b}", |meta| {
            let s = meta.query_selector(selector);
            let a = meta.query_advice(a, Rotation::cur());
            let b = meta.query_advice(b, Rotation::cur());
            let c = meta.query_advice(c, Rotation::cur());
            let output = meta.query_advice(output, Rotation::cur());
                s.clone() * (a_equals_b.expr() * (output.clone() - c)),
                s * (Expression::Constant(F::one()) - a_equals_b.expr()) * (output - (a - b)),

        FunctionConfig {


  1. IsZeroChip::construct : 创建一个IsZeroChip实例
  2. layouter.assign_region( :
    1. is_zero_chip.assign(&mut region, 0, Value::known(a - b))?;
    2. region.assign_advice(|| "output", self.config.output, 0, || Value::known(output))
fn main() {
pub fn assign(
  mut layouter: impl Layouter<F>,
  a: F,  b: F,  c: F,
) -> Result<AssignedCell<F, F>, Error> {
  let is_zero_chip = IsZeroChip::construct(self.config.a_equals_b.clone());

    || "f(a, b, c) = if a == b {c} else {a - b}",
    |mut region| {
      self.config.selector.enable(&mut region, 0)?;
      region.assign_advice(|| "a", self.config.a, 0, || Value::known(a))?;
      region.assign_advice(|| "b", self.config.b, 0, || Value::known(b))?;
      region.assign_advice(|| "c", self.config.c, 0, || Value::known(c))?;

      // 正式使用 IsZeroChip 子电路来检查 a - b 是否为零
      is_zero_chip.assign(&mut region, 0, Value::known(a - b))?;

      // Rust expr to calculate val.
      let output = if a == b { c } else { a - b };
      // assign to cell.
      region.assign_advice(|| "output", self.config.output, 0, || Value::known(output))
  ) }


fn main() {
mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use halo2_proofs::{dev::MockProver, pasta::Fp};

    fn test_example3() {
        let circuit = FunctionCircuit {
            a: Fp::from(10),
            b: Fp::from(12),
            c: Fp::from(15),

        let prover = MockProver::run(4, &circuit, vec![]).unwrap();


cargo test -- --nocapture fibonacci::example3

# Draw
cargo test --release --all-features plot_fibo3
  • the white column is the instance column,
  • the pink one is the advice and
  • the purple one is the selector.
  • the green part shows the cells that have been assigned
    • light green : selector not used.
